Another hate remark from an earthling like us:

I pity her, she seems afflicted with
ADHD syndrome. Maybe she'll realize her mistakes later on. Yubin, you are not ugly, you're damn ugliest! Laughing over someone else's misfortunes is rude, I hope it'll not go back on you harder.
Truth of incident
ReplyDelete1. Japanese pretend to Korean, and write hateful comments.
2. Innocent filipino angry by this.
3. I must solve this missunderstanding.
I can pretend to Japanese also.
Anybody can pretend to Korean.
1. Copy and paste from Korean website.
2. Using Google Translator
3. or, learned korean language.
It is very easy way to blame korean, pretend to Korean, and insult any foreign people.
Seriously, There is NO reason that Korean hate filipino.
I think He/She is a Anti-Korea Japanese troll who pretend to Korean.
And, This is the reason that why I think UglyYubin is a japanese who pretend to Korean.
Only Japanese said filipino as "Monkey".
I will show you how Japanese think about filipino.
Source : Japanese largest website 2ch.
(Note : '猿' refer to 'Monkey')
#1. From Japanese website
【 フィリピンメス猿を嫌いな理由・原因 】
Reasons that why i Hate filipino. wriiten by Japanese
#2. ● 自宅マンションやアパートにフィリピンメス猿ホステス群がいて、
They are dirty, we Japanese can't live with Filipino
We ignored filipino monkey hostes. lol
#3.● 近所に集団で住んでたフィリピン猿が、灯油を入れるポリ容器を
(「灯油クレ!」の意味だってよw さすがは乞食猿www)
Negihbor filipino monkey said polyethylene jar is a kerosene oil. and he gift it to me.
filipinos are really beggar monkey. lol
#4. ● 中学校の時の英会話補助教員のフィリピンメス猿から
When i was middle school studnet, filipino teacher said i am a yellow monkey.
#5. ● 夫・父親がフィリピンメス猿ホステスに貢いで家庭崩壊した
Many Japanese Father have sexual relationship with Filipino female monkey hostess.
#6. ● 空港のセキュリティーチェックでフィリピンメス猿ホステス群が
Filipino monkey harrassed japanese at a convenience store.
#7. ● コンビニのレジでフィリピンメス猿ホステスが店員や客に迷惑をかけていた
Filipino monkey are dumb and don't know how can pass at enterance at airport.
#8. ● 在日ピン猿が産み落としたガキ共が、小学生の子供のクラスを学級崩壊させた
Filipino residence in Japan disrupting Japanese elementary school studnets. (cause english teacher?)
#9. ● 会社のフィリピン猿群が態度デカイし、一日中騒がしくて、
When Filipino monkey break a promise, monkey never says "sorry".
#10. ● 職場(飲食店)に精神異常のフィリピンメス猿とその日本人夫が来たが、
In my working place, Filipino monkey's husband make a disturbance our working place.
Hi, first of all, thanks for the visit to my blog :-)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm not into stereotyping Koreans/Japanese hating Filipinos. But sad to say, one hate remark from a person drags his/her whole nationality as well. Whoever Ugly Yubin is, i'am sorry also for what causes her to hate Filipinos.She must have a bad experience from a Filipino as well. But overall, we are fundamentally equal. I'm against just her remarks on Twitter. I hope she gets over the hate feeling for it doesn't get one better than the other :-)